RAS-ACS: Resident and Associate Society of the American College of Surgeons
RAS accept applications for the International Exchange Program. The selected applicant will attend the annual RAS-ACS meeting during the ACS Clinical Congress
The trainee will take part in numerous activities of the RAS ACS. At the completion of the exchange, the trainee will write an essay that describes the experience and offers other insights.
Requirements include the following:
1. The applicant must be a current italian Resident in General Surgery in Italy, an active member of RAS-ACS at the time of submission of the aplication. The resident must not have received any award by the ACS Italy Chapter.
2. An essay describing the reasons why the applicant would like to participate in the Resident International Exchange and the contributions he/she can make by participating in the traveling program (limit 1000 words).
3. Fill in the application form (to receive the application form email
4. Include a Curriculum Vitae, a publication list and one recent passaport photo (JPEG), copy of the valid passport.
5. The application should include a letter of support from the Program Director or Chairman specifically noting that the applicant will be granted the time to travel to the meeting.
6. All correspondence have to be in English language
7. All supporting files have to be sent by email to Prof. Giuseppe Nigri at