In 1915, the first Director of the College, Dr. John G. Bowman, urged the Regents and the Secretary, Dr. Franklin H. Martin, to authorize a competition among Chicago artists for the design of a seal. The official description of the Seal follows:
"Aesculapius, the symbol of European learning, and an American Indian Medicine Man are seated beneath a Tree of Knowledge, making offering of their symbols of healing in common service to mankind.
"Aesculapius is draped in conventional Greek fashion, wears sandals, and holds aloft, toward the Powers above, the rod and serpent, a common emblem of mystery and healing. The Indian Medicine Man is nude to his waist. His buffalo robe, hair side out, bound by a thong, is worn over the lower part of his body. He wears moccasins, has a single white feather in his loose hair, a gourd rattle in one hand, and a skin medicine pouch, decorated with feathers and paint , stands at his side. These are typical of the native resources in America.
'Omnibus per artem fidemque prodesse' (To serve all with skill and fidelity.)